So, guys...we bought a house.
We did it. We really did it. After years of crappy apartments, credit issues, bad furniture, roommates, and bad decisions, we got our proverbial shit together and we bought a house. And we LOVE our house. But there is work to be done, and we have no idea what we're doing. So I'm starting a blog.
There are a few reasons that I decided to start a blog for things that are specifically house-related. First of all, I feel like it's just more practical this way. My personal blog can get pretty foul and offensive, and while I don't plan on totally censoring myself over here, I'm going to try to tone it down a bit. Also, I assume a lot of the people who want to read my rants and sarcastic diatribes aren't necessarily interested in design and home-improvement, and vice-versa. So let's keep it separated (to the tune of The Offspring, of course).
Another reason that I've decided to write about my adventures in home-ownership is that I think it'll push me to keep up the pace on projects that need done. If I'm documenting it, I think I'll feel more inclined to finish what I start in a more timely matter. I guess we'll see about that. And also, I kid you not when I say I am 100% inexperienced in any kind of home improvement, and I have no idea what I'm doing. I have no idea why blogging about it makes me feel more comfortable, but it does for some reason. I'm always super inspired by home-improvement blogs that I read that are written by people who started as clueless as I currently am (for example, Young House Love and House Tweaking), and maybe part of me feels that by blogging like them, I'll be magically transformed into a brilliant and competent DIYer (ha!).
And probably most importantly, I'm doing this for documentation. I'm generally pretty lazy (which doesn't really bode very well for this whole home owning situation), and I always mean to keep track of life events, but I usually do a pretty poor job of it. This way, if nothing else, I'll at least have my own record of my house's progress, and of the experience of (for better or worse) transforming it. At the same time, I have people (namely my mother) who are constantly pestering me to post pictures of any and all house progress online, but I feel as though I'm annoying everyone else by constantly posting pictures of minor updates that I make to my new house that I'm constantly blathering about. So this way, anyone who wants to see what I'm up to can check it out, and if not, it's not constantly in their face.
I do foresee a few problems with this blog, however. First and foremost, I don't have the type of camera equipment usually used to photograph projects, so I'll just be using a cheap point-and-shoot digital camera (and probably occasionally my iPhone, but I'll try to avoid that), at least for now. And of course, buying a new (OLD) house is A LOT OF WORK, and I also have two jobs, so I don't have tons of downtime to post. I'll try to make time, though. Enough, though. Let's do this!
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